


  1. The nutrition panel presented on this website are distributed as an information source only.
  2. Sushi & Co list the information on this site available on the understanding that customers exercise their own skill, care and judgement with respect to its use. Before relying on the information in any important matter, customers should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purposes, and should obtain appropriate expert advice relevant to their particular circumstances.
  3. By accessing information at or through this site, customers should be aware that in no event shall Sushi & Co be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from use of the information.
  4. Sushi & Co disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of any information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.